• Username
  • Password
  • Remember username?
or global bookmarks screenshot


OR Global Bookmarks is the realization of the quote "necessity is the mother of invention."

After working as a consultant and doing my own personal projects at home, I found that often times I would bookmark something with Internet Explorer at work, only to find myself wishing that I could access the bookmarks at work when I was home, and the ones on my home box when I was at work.

Enter desperation: the first attempts were done via a synching method, similar to some that a couple web sites were offering: have a central place that you periodically upload your files (bookmarks) to and synch all your workstations to this rendezvous point. This gets tiring when the synch point is a zip file uploaded to your personal FTP site...

I then started to think how crackerjack it would be to just use the central repository for storing and reading; kill the satellites and work the base station. And thus this project was born.


  • Usable as a standalone application or integrated as a Explorer Bar into Internet Explorer
  • Drag-and-drop ability of URLs from Internet Explorer
  • Authentication centralized to OR
  • Connectivity via HTTP or direct TCP/IP connection to database
  • Customizable authentication and database access modules