Alonzo Demon'e Cole
- Address furnished upon request
profile summary
BS Computer Science, University of Virginia, with approximately seven years total IT experience in R&D, corporate, and consulting environments. Flexible, self-motivated, and a very quick-learner. Carries a wide array of broad-based, technical skills ranging from Visual Basic .NET and Java development to Photoshop and advanced DHTML. Comfortable working on and leading teams for web and client server projects. Superior interpersonal and analytical skills for interaction with client representatives and internal teams.
relevant work history
software development companysolutions architectCharleston, SC2004 - presentWorked in Consulting Services division aiding various high-profile, non-profit organizations with business-critical solutions utilizing Blackbaud's core software suite
- Designed and implemented mission-critical enterprise solutions for clients to fit business needs their organization
- Developed custom plug-ins, macros, and standalone applications for Blackbaud's core products, including The Raiser's Edge, The Financial Edge, The Information Edge and The Patron Edge.
- Interfaced with clients on a daily basis to help manage their needs and expectations with regards to custom solutions developed through Blackbaud's Consulting Services division
- Trained clients and third-party developers on best practices of using the API of Blackbaud's flagship product, The Raiser's Edge
- Led team as Subject Matter Expert with implementation of The Patron Edge Online
- Helped team with the progression from Visual Basic 6 to Visual Basic .NET
- Won "Rookie of the Year" award for Technical Consulting practice in 2004
transaction processing companysenior developerAtlanta, Georgia2002 - 2004Led development efforts for the Internet Development group and Settlement department
- Directed efforts for the standardization of UI development across projects within the Systems & Technology department
- Held sole responsibility for the enhancement and maintanance of three major and disparate applications developed by a consulting company for the Settlement department
- Worked with marketing department in order to develop client-facing software to aid in the processing and reporting of transactions for NOVA merchants
- Worked closely with Development Manager in mentored team members and creating project plans
- Resolved production support issues for applications specific to Internet Development group
- Utilized various technological skills on a daily basis, including, but not limited, to Visual Basic .NET, Visual Basic 6, ASP, Oracle 8i, Microsoft SQL Server 2000, Crystal Reports, JSP, Java and advanced DHTML
information technology consulting firmassociate of user experienceAtlanta, Georgia1999 - 2002Diverse client assignments ranging from client server to web-based applications. Full lifecycle experience working on multi-disciplinary projects, including team lead role to key account.
Staples CorporationFramework for international sites and full implementation of
- Served as US point of contact for Sapient User Experience issues/concerns in USA and Munich, Germany
- Interacted at least twice a week with client to discuss usability and "creative" issues/concerns
- Led design and creation of content templates in Interwoven TeamSite content management system
- Owned most front-end development, new and fixes
- Held key position in decisions regarding front-end development
- Developed site using XSLT, ASP, and COM+ Objects
Mirant CorporationInternal Document Management System setup/customization
- Chiefly responsible for customizing out-of-box user interface of the Documentum iTeam document management system to fit brand of Mirant Corporation
- Worked with engineers at client-site to modify the out-of-box functionality to fit business needs of client
American Cancer Society (Phase II)Redesign of site to create a more usable experience at
- Aided in the conceptualization and design of the site's user driven information architecture
- Designed and implemented the website via the content management system, Eprise, with a core team of three to five site developers throughout the project
- Successfully led a team of eight to ten associate and senior engineers during the warranty phase
- Headed daily client meetings to discuss status of development and issues
American Cancer Society (Phase I)Intermediate refresh of existing website before complete redesign
- Worked closely with Information Architects, Graphic Designers and Content Strategists to provide structure and intuition to an existing website of over ten thousand pages
- Brought together final development of high profile DHTML website on a team where I was one of two Site Developers
Publix SupermarketImplementation of an automated bakery production forecasting system
- Developed areas of system using Visual Basic 5 and Microsoft SQL Server 7 with team of 14
- Held responsibility for execution of application builds
telecommunications-focused research and development companyprogrammerMorristown, New Jersey1997 - 1998Aided as an intern, and eventually as a contractor, in a research and development environment.
- Worked in tandem with PhD Statistician to develop system's interface using Java and HTML in an Unix environment
- Worked on-site at Bellcore during the summer of 1997 and telecommuted as a contractor through 1998 while taking full course load at University of Virginia
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VirginiaMay 1999Bachelor of Science, Computer Science -
Summer Foreign Language Institute
Charlottesville, VirginiaSummer 1996Nine-week total immersion course in the German language and culture -
Sun Professional Certification
September 2003Sun Certified Java Programmer (SCJP) -
Sun Professional Certification
November 2003Sun Certified Web Component Developer (SCWCD)
other skills
programming languages
- 09/00-present
- 09/00-present
- 09/95-5/99
Crystal Reports
- 01/93-x
- 01/93-x
Advanced DHTML
- 01/97-x
- 01/97-07/98
Java 2 Enterprise Edition
- 01/93-x
- 01/93-x
- 01/93-x
- 01/93-x
- 01/93-x
Visual Basic 5/6
- 03/97-04/98
- 08/99-x
Visual Basic .NET
- 01/93-x
- 01/93-x
Microsoft Office Suite
- 09/00-present
MacroMedia HomeSite
- 09/00-present
Macromedia Fireworks
- 09/00-present
Adobe PhotoShop
- 09/00-present
Eprise Participant Server
- 09/00-present
Interwoven TeamSite
- 09/00-present
Documentum iTeam
- 09/00-present
IBM Websphere Application Developer
- 09/00-present
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
- 09/00-present
The Raiser's Edge
- 03/04-present
The Patron Edge
- 03/04-present
The Information Edge
- 03/04-present
Competent reading German